Working in the field of communications I deal with (or used to before I got laid off) with this daily. What sets a good communications person above the rest is how they deal with situations of stress, chaos and change. That cares over into all aspects of everyone's life, with children, families, friends and in-laws it's all about how you look at things.
For my friend, she wonders how she will fulfill her quest for greatness - who is she supposed to be now that her great adventure will not happen? I see that she is meant for greater things. Obviously she must move forward, perhaps a job change? take on a new hobby or interest? Go on some singles mixers to meet a new beau?? (I know I sound like the 1950's with that word, but love it anyway).
She doesn't yet see this as an opportunity... instead of letting disappointment define her, she can decide to take the bull by the horns and change her life here so she still has an amazing adventure. Either way life is what it is... we all must realize we are not limited in life happening, it will continue whether we want it to or not. We have to decide whether we jump into it fully or wait for someone to push us in!

No truer words were ever spoken, well put. We are the holders of our own destiny to a very large extent.