Ever feel like every good idea has already been taken? Or that anything you think about doing, someone is already out there doing it better than you ever could?? In my quest to find a new job & potentially a new career I have been trying to spend some time (on top of
taking care of 2 kids) to figure out what it is I enjoy and
hopefully something I can afford to pay the
mortgage by doing.
I've always been creative or at least I've thought of myself as creative but when I think of what I'd like to do nothing screams at me.
Don't' get me wrong, there are lots of things I could do but none that I think would be my 'calling' or something that could be profitable enough to be serious. I am so jealous of people who find something they really enjoy & focus on it... like an amazing friend in Toronto who
decorates cakes (
http://www.wix.com/julesbakescakes/dessertcreations) and she is more fabulous than I could ever dream to be! My sister-in-law, who is the quintessential Martha of entertaining recently brought a cake to a New Year's party that is better than anything I have ever made! It was a
pecan caramel cake - the recipe is in french from
ricardo cuisine, but I hope to try it soon & will post it in
english. It tastes even better than it looks. I soon realized I do enjoy baking but it's the sharing of the baking I enjoy more!

Even for blogging a friend of mine D has a blog
'Calamity D' which is funny insightful and what I can tell is the start of her writing for other areas like magazines! She works hard to refine her skills and her passion comes through in every post!! While she's working hard to perfect that I'm off doing a bit of blogging, a bit of baking... a bit of everything and not focusing on any in particular. How do I expect to ever find something I can do if I can't harness my split personalities - guess it's time to put back on thinking cap & try to figure it out... hopefully before someone else finds that great idea.
Ahhh you flatter me so, thank you for your beautiful words my friend. You have inspired me to continue with my blog that I put aside about 15 cakes ago lol. We are all fabulous, I hope you find your niche soon xo.