My daughter is a teacher!!! So young but already affecting a change.
When commenting to a friend of mine about how I think kids need to be able to give back and learn responsibility she told me about the Roots of Empathy Program. Basically in a nutshell the program brings Erin into a classroom (of kids at risk for aggression, bullying & other social problems) and the children get to watch her grow and they can relate their feelings and thoughts to their observations of her. Studies have shown that the children's experience have a lasting effect in increased pro-social behaviour and decreased aggression.
So we're almost at the end of our school year & I have to say that as much as the children have learned we learned too. Not just because these kids taught her to clap her hands or that she rolled over for the first time in the class, but I've been lucky to see how something so small (1 hour every few weeks) has changed lives of others. I smile when I think of 2 kids in particular who at the beginning of the classes sat at the back of the class, never spoke and were generally withdrawn. The last class we had the coordinator (Sarah!!) had trouble keeping the kids away from her & stop talking - they were so excited to share!
I know having a small child (and a big boy) is a lot of work - especially when I'm trying to get out of the house in the morning & make it to the class on time. I hope I always remember how important it is to give back, and how easy it is. Doing a small thing for someone else not only makes you feel better & helps someone else, but having good karma in your life will help you for sure!
If you are pregnant, check out the site http://www.rootsofempathy.org/Research.html to see if there is a class near you!
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