It's been 4 months since I've been laid off (to many people's shock - YES, they can lay you off while on maternity in Canada) and I still find myself saying 'my company' - I must say it's always in a positive fashion & that's not just because I signed a waiver saying I would only talk positively about the company. However, it's time I suck it up & realize it is no longer MY company... in fact I no longer have a company, only sticky hands & gummy kisses - longer hours, but a much better benefits!
Although I was laid off with almost my whole department I can't help but feeling like the jilted a.k.a. 'dumped' girlfriend. Some say I should find solace that I have my work-buddies in the same situation, but I think it just makes it sadder. We all gave so much of ourselves. We helped the company grow making that company a big piece of our lifestyle pie & made other parts smaller and in the end we're all kicked to the curb. I can only hope I remember to be positive & take the advice I give friends - there are always more fish in the sea... you have to kiss more frogs till you find your prince... and my favorite - everything can be fixed with time & wine!

I went through the exact same thing a year ago (minus the mat leave), 209 of us were laid off. I was off for nearly 10 months, although now that I'm back to work it feels like it was a few days. Good luck for the future!