Not sure which I am but I know there was NO way I was gonna wait in any line to buy anything on the 26th!! I have friends who got 15$ jeans, cool electronics and all kinds of other stuff. Now to clarify I used to be that person, I've stood in like to get a $350 pair of Oakleys for $60, a $100 Habs jersey for $10 and even stood in line to get $1.00 mascara!! Perhaps it's having children, or being out of shape (lazy) with baby fat. or old & needing the extra sleep... whatever it is, the thought of standing in line for any discount on anything seemed like the last thing I wanted to do. For all those that stood in lines (inside or out) and shopped till your dropped, my hat is off to you. I hope you enjoyed your deals... I enjoyed spending the day playing with crash up cars, play dough & watching my baby girl start to roll over!
We went to the Eaton Centre at 10am and although parking wasn't easy, we managed to plow through the crowd and only went to a few key stores (Sephora, Lulu, Trade Secret, a quick visit to Coach - who of course wasn't having a sale, and a couple of shoe stores). I left with a pair of boots, an eye shadow primer, and a flat iron...at just ok deals. Meh, I just decided I'm staying home next Boxing day.