Saturday, December 5, 2009


I am very happy to have a very good friend, amazing professional working mom who has things to say about being 'just a woman'.

As a working Mom, I am in survival mode. I have to do more in less time because I have to leave at a set time to pick up the kids at daycare. I have to be good at what I do because in our increasingly demanding workforce, clients and an employer are counting on me to maintain the same level performance and even increase it. I have to make my husband happy because he could fire me too. The kids need to eat well, get enough sleep, be clean and groomed, have brushed teeth, learn how to make their beds in the morning, be dressed in stain-free clothes and arrive at daycare fresh and not tired having had a good nutritious breakfast and with pink ribbons in their hair. After all, all the other children look so happy and well-served! After a few weeks of sleeping less than 5 hours a night I'll go through a bout of laziness and not work from 10 pm to 2 am to catch up on emails and outrageous last-minute demands. And so the survival continues. They won't beat me, because the more I survive, the better I get at it. The better we all get at it. Don't let them win!

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