As 2009 draws to a close it's a time for taking stock & figuratively shedding your old skin to start new. I decided to do that literally and took my winnings from the family holiday party for a spa visit! OH MY GOD... everyone has to do this. I told my husband 'happy wife happy life' and my kids well they will benefit from a sane & happy mommy so an hour, or two ... or what turned to be 3 hours away from me will do them good! I was greeted by smiling faces, herbal tea and relaxing scents. Then for the next 3 hours I was exfoliated, wrapped, massaged and even got a quick nap too! This place is awesome and I also got a insurance receipt for the entire price - $160!!!
I think a lot of people feel guilty or feel it's too intimate a thing for them to partake in. I can vouch that the masseuse I visited are totally professional and I feel NO guilt about pampering myself. After spending most of my day, every day, taking care of my kids, husband, friends and family, it's good to treat yourself. Besides the holidays are about giving aren't they?? And it's never too late so you should first start with giving to yourself! If your lucky enough to have insurance that will cover some (or all) of the costs than you really have no excuse - go make an appointment today!
*sigh* isn't it wonderful. I haven't had a spa day since my wedding. New job benefits here I come :)