Every year I chose a resolution that is easy to keep & hard to measure whether I have kept. Each Dec. 31 I resolve to try to be all that I can be in the following year. There are slight changes from year to year, sometimes I focus on being kinder, lose weight and so much more.

For 2010, as a wife, mother of 2 & unemployed Marcomm person, I resolve to focus on the P's: Patience, Positivity & Prosperity! They way I look at it, if I am able to have more patience with those around me, be more positive with everything (it's really too easy to get into a negative rut... and being negative only makes more negativity - so for 2010 I choose to be positive) then hopefully if I can do that, then prosperity will follow! Who knows perhaps I'll be able to figure out what it is I'm supposed to be doing with my life, not such an easy task!