Every now & then my man does something good. Recently he got his mom to watch the kids to take me out for a suprise dinner ... although I had already made supper & was planning on an early evening I got gussied up & to my suprise had a great time. Not being out in adult company often a few things were a bit errie, like how quiet & quick the dinner was; and how the waiters asked where our kids were (guess we eat there a bit). But we managed through & at the end of the evening I cuoldn't believe how relaxed I was.

Perhaps it was the excpetional food that was presented so nicely, or not having to keep reminding a kid to either keep his pants on or stop singing to other tables (he's in his 2's), either way it was a great night! It's WAY too easy to get caught up in life, whether it's kids, work or whatever... I hope I remember this night & take more time to just be.

p.s. for those of you in Laval/Montreal wondering where this place is... it's
Sushi Palace (25 Cure-Labelle in Ste-Rose) & it's an all you can eat sushi place (when I first heard all you can eat sushi I too thought it's suck, but it's great!). Not only do they have sushi, but thai, chinese & a whole buncha stuff!
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